Intel 8008

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Intel 8008?

itMyt Explains Intel 8008:

Intel 8008 is one of the very first 8 bit Microprocessor launched in 1972. It become a successor to Intel 4004 and had an overall better speed, manner instructions extra quicker, 8 bit structure and stepped Forward education set structure.

What Does Intel 8008 Mean?

Intel 8008 turned into designed the use of PMOS era and had a 18 pin design. It had a 14 bit external Address Bus and can aid 16 KB of reminiscence. The iNitial Model had a cLockspeed of zero.Five MHz which was later prolonged to 0.8 MHz in another version. The Intel 8008 has 3500 Transistors that enabled it to technique 30,000 to one hundred sixty,000 Commands in keePing with second. The Inte 8008 has also the capability to handle Interrupts and it became built the use of 7 Ranges of CPU Stack design.

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