
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Rollover?

itMyt Explains Rollover:

Rollover is a JavaScript technique used by Web Developers to supply an impact wherein the advent of a graphical image adjustments when the consumer rolls the Mouse pointer over it. Rollover additionally refers to a button on a Web Web Page that lets in Interactivity between the consumer and the Web web page. It reasons the button to react through both cHanging the source image at the button with another picture or redirecting it to a unique Web web page.

Rollover is caused when the mouse actions over the number one image, inflicting the secondary photograph to appear. The primary picture reappears when the mouse is moved away.

Occasionally, rollover is referred to as synonym for Mouseover.

What Does Rollover Mean?

Rollover may be finished using textual content, buttons or snap shots, which can be made to appear when the mouse is rolled over an photo. The consumer needs pix/buttons to carry out rollover movement.

An imagery rollover may be achieved with the assist of a program with a scripting Code or a Device that helps the rollover technique.

Some of the important thing features of rollover encompass:

  • Enables interplay between the person and the Web web page
  • Makes an photo appear or disappear while the mouse is moved over it
  • Makes a hidden image or element to seem while the mouse is moved over it
  • Makes an element of the web page alternate the colour of the whole Web page while the mouse is moved over it
  • Causes text to pop up or turn out to be Highlighted with Formidable colorings when the mouse is moved on a text element.

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