Text File

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is a Text File?

itMyt Explains Text File:

A textual content Record is a Form of Digital, non-Executable File that carries letters, numbers, symbols and/or a aggregate. It allows the creation and Storage of textual content without any special formatting.

Text documents are also called flat documents or ASCII documents.

What Does Text File Mean?

A text document is used to keep widespread and based textual information or information that is human readable. It is defined in several one of a kind Codecs, including the most famous ASCII for pass-Platform usage, and ANSI for Windows-based totally running sySTEMs. It lacks textual content formatting skills, such as Text Alignment, formidable textual content and font patterns.

In a Windows running gadget (OS), a text report is created the use of a Text Editor, along with Notepad or Word. It has a report Extension of .Txt.

Besides virtually textual content, a text document is used to jot down and keep supply Code for absolutely all Programming Languages, including Java or PHP. The created record can be converted to the respective Programming language via cHanging the document extension from .Txt to .Php or .Cpp.

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