
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is Whaling?

itMyt Explains Whaling:

Whaling is a particular type of malicious Hacking in the extra fashionable category of phishing, which includes looking for statistics that can be utilized by the Hacker. In trendy, phishing efforts are targeted on collecting Personal Records about users. In whaling, the Objectives are excessive-rating bankers, executives or others in powerful positions or task titles.

What Does Whaling Mean?

Hackers who interact in whaling frequently describe those efforts as "reeling in a big fish," making use of a acquainted Metaphor to the Method of scouring technologies For Loopholes and opportuNities for facts theft. Those who are engaged in whaling might also, for example, hack into precise Networks where these powerful individuals paintings or store Sensitive Information. They may Installation keylogging or other malware on a work station associated with this kind of executives. There are many approaches that hackers can pursue whaling, leading C-stage or pinnacle-stage executives in enterprise and authorities to stay vigilant approximately the possibility of cyber threats.

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