Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM)?

What does WOMM stand for?

itMyt Explains Word-of-Mouth Marketing:

Word-of-mouth Advertising and marketing (WOMM) is the technique of selling a product, service or Business with the aid of soliciting tremendous Comments from happy customers. Word of mouth advertising is an interactive sySTEM such that Clients are collaborating with the enterprise, service or product for which they've derived sufficient satisfaction that they're willing to speak out about it or even endorse it to others.

What Does Word-of-Mouth Marketing Mean?

Word of mouth advertising and marketing isn’t new. The time period turned into coined in the early 70s through George Silverman who turned into a mathematician and statistician. Silverman noticed that within a health practitioner consciousness institution he become undertaking that very few had skilled delight with a sure pharmaceutical product. Yet those with conversely positive reViews were capable of sway the cynical physicians in addition to individuals who no longer used the product.

The difference now could be that Social Media has made phrase of mouth advertising and marketing even extra crucial. Happy customers can create a buzz quicker, and to a bigger target audience than they were capable of previous to social Media and the Internet.

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  • Word of mouth marketing statistics
  • Benefits of word of-mouth marketing
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  • How to increase word of mouth marketing

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