Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What does HLL stand for?

What does the abbreviation HLL mean?

itMyt Explains HLL stands for what:

A high-stage language is any Programming Language that enables development of a program in a much Greater consumer-friendly Programming Context and is normally impartial of the Computer's Hardware architecture.

A excessive-degree language has a higher degree of Abstraction from the pc, and focuses more on the Programming Logic instead of the underlying hardware additives along with reminiscence addressing and register utilization.

High-Level Language

High-stage languages are designed to be used by the human Operator or the Programmer. They are known as "in the direction of people." In other phrases, their programming style and context is less difficult to learn and put into effect than low-degree languages, and the complete Code commonly focuses on the specific Software to be created.

A high-stage language does no longer require addressing hardware Constraints while growing a software. However, each single software written in a excessive-degree language must be interpreted into sySTEM language earlier than being finished by the Computer.

BASIC, C/C and Java are famous examples of excessive-degree languages.

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