Cisco Network Admission Control

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Cisco Network Admission Control (Cisco NAC)?

What does Cisco NAC stand for?

itMyt Explains Cisco Network Admission Control:

Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) is a hard and fast of technologies and solutions that Makes use of the infrastructure of a Laptop network for commUnity get right of entry to manage (NAC) and commuNity protection. Network get right of entry to is authorized most effective by using relied on endpoint gadgets, such as Workstations, Servers, Private virtual assistants (PDA) and different gadgets. It restricts all noncompliant Devices. All Access techniques are Monitored, which includes Wireless devices, nearby region networks (LAN) and far off get right of entry to extensive location networks (WAN).

What Does Cisco Network Admission Control Mean?

In 2006, Cisco and Microsoft announced an Interoperability agreement that enabled Collaboration between Cisco NAC and Microsoft Network Access Protection (Microsoft NAP), accompanied by using Co-marketing at some point of the next yr. Customers were allowed to use one or both technologies.

NAC also Blocks, isolates and repairs noncompliant machines even as suspect machines are Quarantined in a Delegated area. Queued network guests are granted a quarantine location to training Session Authentication or different troubles. Often, a few type of credential is required prior to granting community access.

Additionally, a machine’s anti-Virus status may be verified, which incorporates Current variations of Anti-Virus Software program, virus definitions and experiment Engines.

The Cisco Trust Agent is a key NAC aspect that resides on an endpoint sySTEM. As it collects protection State Records, the Cisco Trust Agent communicates with Cisco Routers. This statistics is communicated to the Cisco Secure Access Control Server (Cisco ACS) for get entry to willpower. The decision is then communicated to the router, which enforces the decision by allowing or disallowing get entry to.

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