Digital Equipment Corporation

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)?

What does DEC stand for?

itMyt Explains Digital Equipment Corporation:

Digital Equipment Corporation, or DEC (reported “deck”), turned into a Computer enterprise established in Maynard, Massachusetts. It was exCellent regarded for its Minicomputers, in particular its PDP and VAX lines. The company cHanged into based in 1957 and become very successful via the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s, but DEC changed into gradual to respond to the Personal Laptop revolution.

Many people nonetheless inside the enterprise got their start with DEC sySTEMs inside the ’60s via the ’90s. A number of working structures, including Linux and Windows, are influenced by way of DEC running systems as nicely.

What Does Digital Equipment Corporation Mean?

Digital Equipment Corporation became founded in 1957 and focused on Constructing miniComputers, which had been smaller and much less powerful than Mainframe Computer Systems, but a whole lot inexpensive.

DEC’s minicomputers, inclusive of the PDP and VAX degrees, were popular in scientific/Engineering programs, CAD and manufacturing facility Automation from the ’60s thru the ’80s.

The Unix working system changed into created by means of Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson on a PDP-7 pc at Bell Labs. Another primary operating gadget, VMS, changed into also created for the VAX line.

While DEC was very a hit, it struggled to cope with the popularity of Private computers inside the Eighties. DEC tried to marketplace a line of PCs, the Rainbow, but in the long run Failed to seize as much as IBM and the various Clone machines. The organization attempted to compete with a series of high-powered sixty four-bit Workstations built on its own Alpha structure in the ’90s, but it turned into too little, too past due.

Digital turned into acquired by Compaq in 1998, and Compaq changed into received by using HP in 2002. Even even though the Digital emblem call has disappeared, DEC’s impact remains felt in the enterprise. The X86 guidance set become inspired by means of the PDP-eleven, and MS-DOS and CP/M have been patterned after DEC Operating Systems. Microsoft additionally employed Dave Cutler, one of the major architects of VMS, to increase Windows NT. Modern variations of Windows thus have a few DEC affect as nicely, now not to mention Current Unix versions consisting of Linux and the BSDs.

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