Extensible Hypertext Markup Language

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML)?

What does XHTML stand for?

itMyt Explains Extensible Hypertext Markup Language:

Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) is a hybrid language among XML and HTML and is likewise an universal fashionable inside the Coding world.

It is similar to HTML 4.01 and is taken into consideration as HTML defined as an utility of XML. Unlike HTML, XHTML pages have a strict Syntax and desires to be well Formed with a purpose to be Parsed the use of XML Parsers, in contrast to the extra lenient HTML precise parsers.

What Does Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Mean?

Features of XHTML:

  • Unlike HTML, which is trendy generalized Markup Language based totally, XHTML is XML-based.
  • Compared to the regulations of HTML, XHTML is stricter and does no longer allow any lapses in coding or shape. It prohibits the omission of any tags or utilization of Attribute minimization. All elements in XHTML ought to have a starting or finishing tag.
  • It is a restrictive subset of XML and desires to be parsed with help of wellknown XML parsers.
  • XHTML Files has best one Root element.
  • As they are XML conforming, XHTML files are effortlessly regarded edited the usage of wellknown XML tools.
  • Unlike HTML, XHTML presents a more purifier, Constant and nicely-dependent layout which facilitates in making the webpages without difficulty parseable for gift and destiny browsers.
  • Sustainability is Greater mentioned in case of XHTML than HTML.
  • As the error processing routines are shorter, destiny browsers can aid faster processing of XHTML documents.
  • As XHTML can support extensive Range of programs, the use of the identical complex Websites may be created.
  • XHTML factors desires to be nester properly and should always be in lower case.

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