Hard Handoff

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 2 month ago

What is a Hard Handoff?

itMyt Explains Hard Handoff:

A hard Handoff is a handoff approach used with mobile Networks that calls for the user’s connection to be completely broken with an existing Base Station earlier than being Switched to any other base station. It allows mobile/Cell Carrier carriers to offer continuous service to users, specifically while they are moving faraway from the related base station/mobile in the direction of some other base station/mobile.

A hard handoff is also referred to as a tough Handover or smash-earlier than-Make handover.

What Does Hard Handoff Mean?

A tough handoff is basically carried out whilst the Subscriber/user is being connected to a base station with a extraordinary Radio Frequency than the Modern base station. All intra-frequency handovers/handoffs are styles of hard handoffs. A hard handoff is generally implemented in FDMA and TDMA primarily based mobile networks and is Greater suited for programs/services which can manage to pay for a mild postpone together with Internet, VoIP and WIMAX. However, a tough handoff is typically speedy sufficient that person don’t sense an Interruption or breakage in carrier. Moreover, in contrast to soft handovers which have multiple simultaneously related channels, a hard handover is less expensive because it calls for simplest one channel to Function.

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