
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Itanium?

itMyt Explains Itanium:

Itanium is Intel’s first Microchip (Microprocessor) circle of relatives based totally on 64-bit architecture. It is typically used in excessive-give up Workstations and Business Enterprise Servers. The underlying architecture of Itanium is known as IA-sixty four.

INitially advanced by way of Hewlett Packard (HP), Itanium later have become a Joint Assignment between HP and Intel, as HP decided that it turned into no longer price-powerful for them to be growing microProcessors.

What Does Itanium Mean?

Itanium not simplest affords get admission to to very huge Memory (VLM), however it additionally Makes use of a clever Compiler to improve how instructions are desPatched to the processor. This sigNiFicantly reduced processing time and subsequently superior the Chip’s overall perFormance. Itanium is able to manner sets of statistics out of three with a sixty four-bit processor, while in 32-Bit microprocessors the Data is deCoded earlier than being utilized by the 64-bit processor, consequently utilizing a further Clock Cycle. Itanium is widely used for riding huge-scale programs that run on extra than 4GB of RAM memory, along with Web Servers, corporation aid planning (ERP), Databases, excessive-stop working sySTEMs and Internet Routers.

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