Layer 2 Switch

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Layer 2 Switch?

itMyt Explains Layer 2 Switch:

A Layer 2 Switch is a sort of commUnity switch or tool that works on the inFormation link Layer (OSI Layer 2) and Makes use of MAC Address to decide the direction via wherein the Frames are to be Forwarded. It makes use of Hardware primarily based Switching strategies to attach and transmit information in a neighborhood viciNity Network (LAN).

A layer 2 transfer can also be known as a multiport Bridge.

What Does Layer 2 Switch Mean?

A layer 2 switch is in the main Chargeable for transPorting facts on a bodily layer and in performing error checking on every transmitted and obtained frame. A layer 2 switch calls for MAC deal with of NIC on every community Node to transmit statistics. They learn MAC addresses routinely by copying MAC cope with of each body received, or listening to gadgets on the community and preserving their MAC address in a forwarding Table. This also enables a layer 2 switch to ship frames quick to vacation spot nodes. However, like other layer switches (3,4 onwards), a layer 2 switch cannot transmit Packet on IP addresses and don’t have any mechanism to prioritize packets based on sending/receiving Software.

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