Online Transaction Processing

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)?

What does OLTP stand for?

itMyt Explains Online Transaction Processing:

Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) is a Class of structures that helps or helps excessive Transaction-oriented Packages. OLTP’s primary sySTEM capabilities are instant consumer remarks and high man or woman transaction extent.

What Does Online Transaction Processing Mean?

OLTP is especially used in industries that depend closely at the efficient processing of a big quantity of purchaser transactions, e.G., banks, airlines and stores. Database systems that support OLTP are usually decentralized to avoid unmarried factors of Failure and to unfold the quantity among multiple Servers.

OLTP systems have to provide Atomicity, which is the ability to absolutely technique or absolutely undo an order. Partial processing is by no means an choice. When airline passenger Seats are booked, Atomicity combines the two machine actions of booking and purchasing the seat. Both moves should show up together or under no circumstances.

Heavy OLTP gadget reliance brings brought challenges. For example, if server or communique channels fail, a whole Business chain can grind to an imMediate halt.

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