Power Amplifier

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Power Amplifier (PA)?

What does PA stand for?

itMyt Explains Power Amplifier:

A energy amplifier (PA) is described by way of the ratio among the power furnished to the load and the energy supplied to the Circuit with the aid of the source. A PA is labeled on the idea of its energy rating, that is measured in Watts (W). The electricity score may be said in phrases of load Impedance (ohm) throughout which the Output power is measured.

What Does Power Amplifier Mean?

Modern Digital circuits give excessive strength amplification when low impedance is used (inside the case of audio sySTEM), but this isn't continually encouraged. Generally, the rated electricity output of an amplifier is Stated to be its peak output fee. For example, if the PA is rated at 20 W, then the output can Variety from 0 to 20 (i.E., the maximum rated price). In the case of an overdriven input, the PA can provide an output strength this is often higher than the most rated value, however, on the equal time, the output sign fine decreases. Power amplifiers are utilized in some of everyday appliances such as audio speakers and microwave ovens.

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