Server Cage

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is a Server Cage?

itMyt Explains Server Cage:

A Server cage is a particular sort of box for bodily server Hardware.

Like the traditional cage, server cages have open structures composed of steel bars or comparable structures, wherein light and air can circulate through the enclosure, however where the cage presents effective protection for what’s Internal.

What Does Server Cage Mean?

The primary use of server cages is for protection.

With larger facts facilities or other server operations, groups can placed server cage safety in place for several reasons. For an in-residence server sySTEM, Business leaders may additionally need more safety for high site visitors regions.

Another famous use of server cages is while a unmarried facts center handles server operations for more than one customers. Here, it may be very beneficial to put each patron’s separate server hardware in a extraordinary cage to save you unauthorized crossover.

For Instance, technicians serving a particular purchaser structure can get a key to simply one server cage, rather than being able to get entry to the whole hardware setup in the Server Room (this will protect the worker, in addition to the business enterprise, in a case wherein a few type of server eMergency calls for a careful examine get entry to) – server cages also can assist to offer higher documentation for who's gaining Access to server systems for protection, repairer or other Functions.

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