Thin App

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is a Thin App?

itMyt Explains Thin App:

A thin app is an Software that is based on an out of doors Server or Hardware issue for a whole lot of its Functionality and Code base preservation. The concept of a “skinny app” is based on the idea of “thin patron” layout which Makes use of particular strategies related to a patron/server structure.

What Does Thin App Mean?

Although skinny apps had been viable ever for the reason that development of servers in IT, they actually took off inside the era of virtualized and Cloud-brought sySTEMs. The skinny app Model makes feel in these structures, because a lot of the inFormation and different resources are stored by using the seller and introduced to a patron or consumer over the web. With that said, it makes feel to residence a number of the utility’s functionality at the server facet, in place of the customer aspect. Much like Cloud Services in general, a skinny app model approach the End User does now not have to do as lots with the utility, for Instance, working with a Database or putting in a program.

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