Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What does LOM stand for?

What does the abbreviation LOM mean?

itMyt Explains LOM stands for what:

Laminated Object production (LOM) is a speedy Prototyping manufacturing era that allows the Construction of 3-D fashions. This three-D printing and fabricating approach creates 3-D models through including, depositing and solidifying raw fabric in successive horizontal Layers to create a solid object.

Laminated Object Manufacturing

LOM, like another speedy prototyPing Method, is an additive production method. A sTable object is cut to Form a shape the use of laser beams or a knife, which cut their manner around the geoMetrical coordinates of a CAD diagram. The stable object may be laminated glued paper, Metal or plastic, Merged collectively in a layered form at some point of the fabrication sySTEM. LOM Makes it viable to Build fashions quick and plenty less expensively than different prototyping strategies. However, LOM doesn’t provide the very best stage or precision and accuracy compared to other comparable technologies.

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