Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 3 month ago

What does POP stand for?

What does the abbreviation POP mean?

itMyt Explains POP stands for what:

Post Office Protocol (POP) is a sort of Laptop Networking and Internet wellknown protocol that extracts and retrieves email from a remote mail Server for get admission to by the Host sySTEM.

POP is an utility Layer protocol in the OSI Model that offers quit users the potential to fetch and acquire e-mail.

Post Office Protocol

Post Office Protocol is the number one protocol in the back of e-mail verbal excHange. POP works thru a assisting Electronic Mail Software patron that integrates POP for connecting to the faraway e-mail server and Downloading e-mail messages to the recipient’s pc Device.

POP uses the TCP/IP Protocol Stack for commUnity connection and works with Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) for quit-to-stop e mail communique, in which POP pulls messages and SMTP pushes them to the server. As of 2012, Post Office Protocol is in its 1/3 model referred to as POP 3 and is usually used in most e-mail purchaser/server communication architecture.

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