Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)?

What does SMTP stand for?

itMyt Explains Simple Mail Transfer Protocol:

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the usual protocol for Electronic Mail offerings on a TCP/IP commUnity. SMTP provides the potential to send and get hold of electronic mail messages.

SMTP is an application-Layer protocol that permits the transmission and delivery of e-mail over the Internet. SMTP is created and maintained through the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is also referred to as RFC 821 and RFC 2821.

What Does Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Mean?

SMTP is one of the maximum common and popular protocols for electronic mail communication over the Internet and it gives middleman Network services among the far flung e mail provider or organizational electronic mail Server and the nearby user Accessing it.

SMTP is commonly integrated within an electronic mail consumer utility and consists of 4 key Components:

  1. Local consumer or customer-give up Software referred to as the mail User Agent (MUA)
  2. Server referred to as mail submission Agent (MSA)
  3. Mail transfer agent (MTA)
  4. Mail transport agent (MDA)

SMTP works by way of beginning a consultation between the consumer and server, whereas MTA and MDA offer Domain looking and nearby transport offerings.

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