B Programming Language

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is B Programming Language?

itMyt Explains B Programming Language:

The B Programming Language Is a language primarily based on Basic Combined Programming Language or BCPL and a preCursor to the C Programming Language (and subsequent C suite languages) this is so ubiquitous in Codebase Programming over the past few many years.

What Does B Programming Language Mean?

The B Programming Language turned into advanced within the past due Nineteen Sixties and related to Dennis Ritchie, who's additionally known as a writer of the C programming language. Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie developed B based on BCPL. The language cHanged into designed for Device-unbiased programs.

After creating B, Richie and organisation moved to C and C , with the development of a PDP eleven Minicomputer in 1971. The C suite of programming languages stays very popular in Computer technology nowadays.

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