
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Cheezburger?

itMyt Explains Cheezburger:

The word “cheezburger,” misspelled with a “z”, is primarily based at the idea that cats, if they may write to human beings, would have a Primitive control of the English language, and could misspell most phrases. This sort of language has been known as “lolspeak” after the phenomenon of “lolcatz” hit the Internet within the mid-2000s.

What Does Cheezburger Mean?

The eMergence of “lolspeak” and “cheezburger” may be traced to “I Can Haz Cheezburger,” a Website Installation in 2007. Content from the website has long gone Viral throughout the Internet and generated very popular memes, to a whole lot fanfare, with merchandise which includes print books, T-shirts and plush toys. Over time, “lolcatz” have become a outstanding a part of the Internet’s visible and comedic panorama. The site’s founders have Compiled hundreds of pictures with adorable phrases that STEMmed from the sigNiFicant premise of cats misspelling phrases in their communications with humans. Certain varieties of similar memes encompass “basement cat,” “ceiling cat,” “I see what you probably did there” and others.

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