Computer Network Defense

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is Computer Network Defense (CND)?

What does CND stand for?

itMyt Explains Computer Network Defense:

Computer commUnity defense (CND) is a set of tactics and protective measures that use Laptop Networks to come across, screen, guard, examine and shield against network infiltrations resulting in provider/network denial, degradation and disruptions. CND permits a government or navy institute/enterprise to guard and retaliate in opposition to network Attacks perpetrated via malicious or opposed Computer Systems or networks.

What Does Computer Network Defense Mean?

Computer commuNity protection is usually a Form of Cybersecurity and an facts assurance measure for securing navy and authorities information structures from threatening cyber attacks and intrusions. The key Objective of CND is to ensure that no unauthorized, illegitimate or malicious site visitors, person or application is given get entry to to a Private IT surroundings/community.

It is a part of the Computer Network Operations (CNO) Collection of community operations aimed toward defensive, Exploiting and attacking enemy laptop sySTEMs and networks. Moreover, CND is likewise a aspect of the DoD’s operational safety Framework NetOps.

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