DEC Alpha

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is the DEC Alpha?

itMyt Explains DEC Alpha:

Alpha turned into a Microprocessor from Digital Equipment Corporation which become based on 64-bit reduced training set Computing (RISC). It turned into designed to replace DEC’s 32-Bit VAX complex instruction set. The DEC Alpha microProcessors were used in a whole lot of Digital Equipment Corporation’s Servers and Workstations. The Alpha architecture was offered by Digital Equipment Corporation to Compaq, who later phased it out and offered all Alpha-associated intellectual properties to Intel.

What Does DEC Alpha Mean?

The first few Digital Equipment Corporation Alpha Chips have been pretty Modern for his or her time. The first model, Alpha 21064, was in truth the primary CMOS-based totally microprocessor to have the operating frequency matching the higher-powered ECL Mainframes and Minicomputers. The DEC Alpha did now not have suppressed Commands, department postpone slots or keep instructions. It additionally did not Make use of situation Codes particularly used in Integer commands. The Alpha made use of 64-bit linear virtual deal with area with really no Memory segmentation. The structure for Alpha also made use of a fixed of 32 integer registers and 32 Floating-point registers, Lock registers, a floating-point control check in and a Software counter.

As a ways as the microprocessor enterprise is concerned, the Alpha microprocessor holds its place in Records due to the manner in which it cHanged into implemented. The Alpha microprocessor, when carried out, confirmed that guide Circuit layout is viable and will result in a simple, obvious and easy structure, and thereby higher running frequencies compared to designs carried out with the assist of Computerized layout structures.

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