
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 1 month ago

What is Dotsam?

itMyt Explains Dotsam:

Dotsam is a slang term that refers to all the unnoticed areas of the Web which might be nonetheless live no matter no longer being maintained. Dotsam consists of deserted email money owed, and forgotten blogs, Websites and Social Media proFiles.

The time period dotsam is a combination of “dotcom” and “flotsam.” It is likewise referred to as netsam.

What Does Dotsam Mean?

Dotsam has seen a herbal Buildup as the price of Web Hosting and storing inFormation on Web Servers has declined. In many cases, permitting dotsam to remain stay and on hand at the Internet costs nothing. For example, many Online portals do now not delete person profiles or blogs anymore due to the fact they take up very little space and, by retaining them Classified as energetic, they help pad the repuTable numbers of active customers. This Makes an internet service appear more famous.

Search Engines had been operating to reduce the aMount of dotsam of their search outcomes with the aid of giving more Weight to fresh content material. This enables newer, up to date content material upward thrust above abandoned websites that have seniority and seek Engine rank due to being published first.

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