Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is DHCP?

itMyt Explains Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol:

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a Network Control Protocol used to dynamically assign an IP address to any new Node entering the commUnity. DHCP lets in a node to be configured automatically, thereby heading off the need of involvement by means of a commuNity administrator.

DHCP does the following:

  1. Manages the provision of all of the nodes added or dropped from the community
  2. Maintains the particular IP cope with of the host the use of a DHCP Server
  3. Sends a request to the DHCP server whenever a customer/node, that is configured to work with DHCP, connects to a Network. The server recognizes via imparting an IP cope with to the consumer/node.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is likewise known as RFC 2131.

What Does Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Mean?

DHCP is an automated Method by means of which any newly delivered or transferred node in a network may be assigned or reassigned an IP cope with imMediately. Without DHCP, the network directors could be forced to assign IP address manually for every node in a network.

A DHCP server has many obligations:

  1. A DHCP server is configured to manipulate the Availability of IP addresses and is an vital requirement to run DHCP protocol. The server manages the document of all the IP addresses it allocates to the nodes. If the node reJoins or is relocated inside the community, the server identifies the node the usage of its MAC address. This helps to save you the unintended configuration of same IP deal with to two unique nodes.
  2. For DHCP to operate, the Clients want to be configured with it. When a DHCP-aware customer connects to the network, the consumer declares a request to the DHCP server for the network settings.
  3. The server responds to the patron’s request by using presenting the necessary IP configuration statistics.
  4. The DHCP server is ideally suited in Eventualities where there's a regular inclusion and exclusion of community nodes like wi-fi Hotspots. In these cases, the DHCP server also assigns a lease time to each customer, after which the assigned IP cope with in invalid.

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