
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Client?

itMyt Explains Client:

A client is the receiving cease of a provider or the requestor of a Carrier in a customer/Server version Form of machine. The client is most usually located on any other sySTEM or Laptop, which may be Accessed via a commUnity. This time period was first used for gadgets that could not run their Personal applications, and had been related to Remote Computers that could thru a Network. These had been referred to as Dumb Terminals and they were served via Time-Sharing Mainframe Computers.

What Does Client Mean?

A client may be a simple application or a whole Device that accesses services being supplied by way of a server. A customer can hook up with a server via one-of-a-kind approach like area Sockets, named, Shared Memory or via Internet Protocols, which is the most commonplace Method being used because the extensive adoption of the Internet.

Clients are categorized into three kinds:

  • Thin Client: A customer Software with minimal capabilities that uses the resources furnished by using a Host laptop and its process is normally just to show effects processed with the aid of a server. It sincerely relies on a server to do most or all of its processing.
  • Thick/Fat Client: This is the opposite of the skinny purchaser. It can do most of its processing and does no longer always rely upon a vaLuable server, but may additionally need to hook up with one for some Data, imPorting, or to UPDATE data or the program itself. Anti-Virus Software belong to this category due to the fact they do now not actually need to connect to a server to do their process, although they should connect periodically to down load new Virus defiNitions and add Records.
  • Hybrid: Exhibits Characteristics from the two above types. It can do maximum techniques on its very own however may additionally rely on a server for essential facts or for garage.

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