Thin Client

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Thin Client?

itMyt Explains Thin Client:

A thin customer is a Networked Computer with few domestically saved applications and a heavy dependence on network sources. It may have very Constrained sources of its very own, perhaps operating without auxiliary drives, CD-R/W/DVD drives or maybe Software Packages.

Typically, a thin consumer is one among many commUnity Computers that percentage computation wishes by way of using the resources of 1 Server. A thin purchaser frequently has low value Hardware with few shifting parts and may typically Function higher in a adversarial environment than a fat or Rich Client.

A skinny consumer is likewise called a slender or lean patron.

What Does Thin Client Mean?

In comparison to a thin customer, a fat or rich patron is a computer with many domestically stored Packages and resources and little dependence on network assets.

By further contrast, a fats Client balances Software dependence regionally with a tough/linked drive and Device resources, while a skinny client balances application dependence with a Network Server’s hard/related drive and tool resources.

A device clothier determines this balance, depending on whether prolonged computations ought to be perFormed through the patron or server. For example, a pc that handles maximum of a simple drawing’s modifying with sophisticated Software Program saved on a commuNity server may be considered a skinny patron. A computer that handles maximum of a complicated drawing’s enhancing with regionally saved and sophisticated software can be a Fat Client. Editing or Viewing Accessibility to the drawing and modifying software is determined by means of the device dressMaker.

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