Gantt Chart

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is a Gantt Chart?

itMyt Explains Gantt Chart:

A Gantt chart is a Form of bar chart that is used to visually show the time Table of a Assignment. It is used in assignment management activities to show the project activities, duties and occasions against time.

The Gantt chart is known as after Henry Gantt, who tailored and popularized the style of chart in the 1910s.

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What Does Gantt Chart Mean?

A Gantt chart Makes it easy to create, View and reveal venture activities and duties over a given time. Typically, every hobby, manner or project in a Gantt chart is represented by using a horizontal bar scaled parallel to a calendar and/or dates. The begin and give up of every bar Constitute the start and the cease of that particular hobby. Gantt charts assist in speedy information the extraordinary obligations in a assignment, their time table (start and stop date) and any overlapPing tasks or activities.

Gantt charts are usually utilized in Software venture management sports and are frequently created and conTrolled via task Management Software.

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