
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is Multitasking?

itMyt Explains Multitasking:

Multitasking refers back to the conCurrently perFormance of multiple responsibilities and approaches by using Hardware, Software Program or any Computing appliance. It allows the performance of multiple pc manner on the equal time with minimal Lag in typical overall performance and without affecting the operations of every task.

Multitasking is likewise called multiprocessing.

What Does Multitasking Mean?

Multitasking is applied in coordination with the bottom/Host working sySTEM (OS) that allocates, sends and manages ordinary obligations and strategies to the imperative processing uNit (CPU).

In multitasking, a Laptop by no means plays a couple of venture at a time, however the processing potential of the pc’s Processors is so fast and easy that it offers the Impression of performing multiple responsibilities on the equal time.

The laptop Makes use of Scheduling to manipulate the choice and processing between distinct duties, in which responsibilities are looked after consistent with exclusive criteria, together with mission shipPing time and priority.

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