IEEE 802.11d

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is IEEE 802.11d?

itMyt Explains IEEE 802.11d:

IEEE 802.11d is an IEEE 802.11 Modification that adds geographical regulations to the unique widespread. IEEE 802.11d enables the improvement of Wireless neighborhood region Network (WLAN) Devices that comply with the wi-fi communications policies of their respective countries.

IEEE 802.11d is also known as IEEE 802.11d-2001.

What Does IEEE 802.11d Mean?

IEEE 802.11d cHanged into evolved out of necessity, as first of all, IEEE 802.11 became Constrained to only some geographical Domains. IEEE 802.11d was authorised to provide hints for Wireless Communications, wherein geographical inFormation is added to transmitted Frames. This specification became carried out to the frame format of beacons, probes and probe requests.

IEEE 802.11d permits a device to self-configure and operate according to the policies of its running uNited States of america and consists of Parameters like country name, channel quantity and most transmission stage.

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