
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is an Interface (I/F)?

What does I/F stand for?

itMyt Explains Interface:

An interface specifies a Collection and/or a set of Methods, that have now not been implemented. When a Class implements an interface, the class affords an Implementation to all described interface methods. A unmarried elegance may additionally put into effect any Variety of interfaces. Sometimes, regular Declarations are blanketed in an interface, at the side of technique defiNitions.

Disadvantages for the interface is that each one interface methods should be Public and handiest summary strategies may be utilized in an interface. However, due to the fact those techniques are implicit, they may be no longer declared.

What Does Interface Mean?

An interface is quality explained with an example. The maximum commonplace example is the connections among a television, a faraway manipulate, and a user. A person turns on the TV through using the far flung manipulate and won't necessarily understand anything about the TV’s wiring. Thus, the faraway manage is an interface between the consumer and the television set.

Similarly, when a class implements an interface, the approach Functionalities are applied without knowledge of the method's Internal workings.

The following are examples of when to use an interface:

  • When two or more unrelated training enforce a fixed of strategies, which may be defined in an interface after which carried out through the lessons.
  • When an interface is a Great alternative to more than one magNiFicence Inheritance.
  • When an Object’s functionality is revealed with out described implementation.

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