Knowledge Engineer

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is a Knowledge Engineer?

itMyt Explains Knowledge Engineer:

A know-how Engineer is a expert engaged within the technological know-how of Building superior common sense into Computer Systems which will try to Simulate human selection-making and excessive-level cogNitive tasks. A inFormation engineer elements some or all the "knowledge" that is Finally Constructed into the generation.

What Does Knowledge Engineer Mean?

One principle in information engineering is the Switch precept. This technique entails transferring human logic and information into a generation. Over time, this principle has given way to a Greater famous Model principle, which entails the Simulation of human knowledge instead of its direct transfer from human to gadget.

As a particular kind of Artificial Intelligence project, information engineering is predicated on a few key factors. One is a big sufficient repository of information to paintings from. Another is a complicated sySTEM of Algorithms that could simulate human choice-making on essential problems. Knowledge engineering is beneficial in decision assist Software tasks, geographical Data systems, and other new technology that analyze information toward some better socio-cognitive aim.

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