Blog Client

Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What does Blog Client stand for?

What does the abbreviation Blog Client mean?

itMyt Explains Blog Client stands for what:

A Web log Client (weblog purchaser) is external purchaser Software Program that is used to UPDATE blog content material via an Interface other than the standard Web-based version supplied by way of blog Software program. Third-party Builders create blog clients to offer Bloggers with Desktop or Cell interfaces for weblog posting.

Blog clients additionally provide extra features and talents, such as Offline blog posting, a nicer interface, higher Formatting and go-posting of content to a couple of blogs.

Web Log Client

Most running a blog sySTEMs use a “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) enhancing Platform, that's frequently gradual and tough to control. The blog purchaser concept is primarily based on the usage of remote authoring software Programming interfaces (APIs) to create and edit blog pages. These APIs are designed to provide higher and Greater person-pleasant interface capabilities. Commonly used APIs include MetaWeblog API, Atom Publishing Protocol, MT’s publishing API and Blogger API.

Many famous blogging customers that work with diverse commonplace APIs can be Downloaded at no cost.

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