Apple Push Notification Service

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 4 month ago

What is Apple Push Notification Service (APNs)?

What does APNs stand for?

itMyt Explains Apple Push Notification Service:

Apple Push Notification Carrier (APNs) is a faraway notification carrier that sends notifications and Records to OS X- and iOS-powered gadgets. It is used to send 1/3-birthday party notifications over a steady connection. The carrier is brought thru an API this is integrated in all third-birthday celebration iOS and Mac OS gadgets.

What Does Apple Push Notification Service Mean?

APNs mostly provides app Developers a simple, green and secure path to push app notifications to Apple gadgets. These notifications can consist of something from sounds, text and badges. Typically, APNs works while a third-birthday celebration app establishes a connection with a tool after which transfers/sends facts or notifications. The key benefit and goal in the back of APNs are its Capacity to keep Battery time, as conventional pull technology often connect with a 3rd-birthday celebration provider for brand new UPDATEs, even if there is none available. However, with APNs, a Device is notified only whilst there's a new notification or message.

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