L Band

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is L Band?

itMyt Explains L Band:

L band refers back to the working frequency Range of one–2 GHz inside the radio spectrum. The Wavelength range of L band is 30–15 cm. The L band is one of the chief operating tiers used by diverse Packages inclusive of radars, worldwide positioning structures (GPS), radio, Telecommunications and aircraft surveillance. The L band has a low Bandwidth because of its low frequency, and is the perfect to put into effect for many applications due to this low frequency. The gadget wanted is less sophisticated less highly-priced.

What Does L Band Mean?

L band is used in lots of radar, satellite and terrestrial communications programs. L band has a low bandwidth due to its low frequency range and for this reason isn't suiTable for streaming programs like video, voice and Broadband connectivity. However, it's far the most acceptable operating Variety within the case of programs like fleet management and asset Monitoring.

L band is the least costly and easiest to put into effect when compared to different better frequency degrees like C band and S Band. It is simpler to process and calls for best low-value RF Device. It has a much broader beam width and as a result does now not require a first-rate Antenna with accurate directionality this is needed by better bands.

L-band radars are used for clean air turbulence studies and by using low-Earth orbit satellites to offer real-time visibility to tracking the fame of equipment from a far flung viciNity and to offer machine to device (M2M) communications. They are also utilized in terrestrial Wireless connections like GSM Cell telephones and in GPS satellites. They can also be used as an interMediate frequency for satellite tv for pc TV to permit easier transmission.

Using L-band generation reduces overhead and does no longer be afflicted by excessive sign loss skilled by means of excessive frequencies when transported over copper coax cables. It is less at risk of Interruptions and provides a dependable connection. These beneficial properties Make L band a appropriate generation for use in Remote Monitoring and operations management.

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  • L band satellite
  • L band radio
  • L band wavelength
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  • What is L band used for

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