
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 2 month ago

What is Frankenpine?

itMyt Explains Frankenpine:

Frankenpine is the name given to a mobile Cellphone tower this is camouFlaged to resemble a pine tree. Efforts to disguise the Metallic tower encompass painting its base brown and attaching fake Branches to it.

What Does Frankenpine Mean?

The term Frankenpine first garnered Public interest in 2004 while the Adirondack Council, a nonprofit agency operating to shield the Adirondack Park, gave a proposed tower this call.

Located in northeast New York, Adirondack Park is a publicly covered location and the biggest National Historic Landmark. The region is overseen by way of the State Adirondack Park Agency (APA), which at that point, accredited a allow for Nextel Partners Inc. To erect a 114-Foot tower tapering up from a 7-foot-extensive base. Part of Nextel’s idea become for the tower to be fashioned and camoufLaged as a pine tree so that it would combo in with the forested viciNity of the park where it become to be built.

However, individuals of the Adirondack Council antagonistic the APA’s selection and talked about that a disguised Cell Tower nonetheless would “not seem like any tree on this planet,” as a consequence giving rise to the time period Frankenpine.

To date, those faux trees, that have taken the Form not only of pine timber however additionally of Douglas firs and Palm trees, may be found throughout the United States. The cost of Constructing a Frankenpine is envisioned to be in the Range of $40,000 to $100,000, or 10 Instances the cost of Building a regular Cellular tower.

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