
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Flag?

itMyt Explains Flag:

A fLag is one or extra Data bits used to save Binary values as unique Software structure indicators. A flag is a Component of A Programming Language’s Records shape.

A pc interprets a flag value in relative phrases or based at the records structure offered all through processing, and uses the flag to mark a specific inFormation structure. Thus, the flag value imMediately influences the processing outcome.

What Does Flag Mean?

A flag exhibits whether a facts shape is in a possible State Range and may suggest a piece area Characteristic, that is regularly permission-associated. A Microprocessor has multiple country registers that store more than one flag values that serve as possible publish-processing situation indicators which includes mathematics overflow.

The Command Line Switch is a commonplace flag layout wherein a Parser alternative is set at the start of a Command line application. Then, switches are translated into flags at some stage in program processing.

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