
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is Palm?

itMyt Explains Palm:

Palm, Inc. Is an American generation Business enterprise that specialised within the layout and manufacture of Personal virtual assistants (PDAs) and comparable Digital gadgets. It is most famous for producing the PalmPilot, which paved the way for the extensive adoption of the PDA, the predecessor to the contemporary Smartphone. Palm’s Final essential Product Releases were the Palm Pre and Pixi in 2009; both used WebOS which became the primary Multitasking OS for smartphones.

Palm was acquired by means of HP in 2010, after which with the aid of TCL Corporation in 2014.

What Does Palm Mean?

Palm, Inc. Became based in 1992 by Jeff Hawkins who was later Joined with the aid of Ed Colligan and Donna Dubinsky. The agency began as a Software Program Developer for the contemporary technology of patron PDAs, referred to as the Zoomer. The Zoomer became manufactured by means of Casio for the Tandy Corporation, and Palm provided the personal facts manager (PIM) Software. The tool cHanged into a commercial Failure, but Palm continued to earn sales through selling Synchronization software program for HP gadgets and it also furnished handwriting popularity software program, referred to as Graffiti, for Apple Inc’s Newton MessagePad.

US Robotics acquired the agency in 1995 and the PalmPilot a thousand, priced at $299 and with 128K of reminiscence and a Monochrome display, became brought to the mass market. Palm endured to fabricate and sell PDAs such as the Pilot, Palm X, Zire and Tungsten traces as well as the Treo and Centro telephone traces till it was overtaken with the aid of Apple in 2007 whilst the iPhone become launched. In the same year and with multiple setbacks in its smartphone OS Assignment, Palm finally released the Pre and Pixi smartphones with the then-innovative Linux-based totally WebOS. However, the effort become too little too overdue, as the Devices did not get mass marketplace acceptance as they hoped, still being overshadowed with the aid of the iPhone and its App Store.

Palm turned into received via HP in June of 2010 and the enterprise become slated to hold producing smartphones in addition to slate PCs and Netbooks. In February 2011 a brand new line of WebOS products had been introduced, however the move changed into revoked via HP that August, and it Discontinued the production of WebOS devices.

HP bought the Palm trademark to a subsidiary of the TCL Corporation which markets the Alcatel OneTouch Logo in October 2014.

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