Leased Line

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Leased Line?

itMyt Explains Leased Line:

A leased line is a devoted conversation channel that Interconnects or extra web sites. This is a service contract between a customer and a provider. It acts as a Committed tunnel from one point to the opposite wherein statistics can Constantly go with the flow for a set monthly price or hire, therefore the name. Leased strains are used for Internet, facts or even phone offerings. They are typically run on Fiber Optic cables to provide large Bandwidth and speed.

What Does Leased Line Mean?

A leased line isn't always surely a committed physical connection, however a reserved Circuit between two precise factors this is open at all times. This is unlike traditional telephone services, which reuse the equal circuit thru Switching. They are normally rented by means of big corporations to attach two or extra sites that need consistent fast connection. These traces are leased through huge telecommunication corporations and are usually quite pricey. The opportUnity to that is to apply the Public Switched Networks even as the usage of safety Protocols, or to install and preserve their very very own non-public lines, which may be extra highly-priced.

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