National Science Foundation

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 29 day ago

What is the National Science Foundation?

itMyt Explains National Science Foundation:

The National Science Foundation (SF) is a U.S. Federal government Business enterprise that promotes and helps research and education in math, technology, Engineering and pc technology. The NSF is the main source of federal funds for pc technology studies. INitial studies into Networking became conducted with the aid of the NSF, which could Eventually lead to the improvement of the Internet.

What Does National Science Foundation Mean?

The NSF turned into founded in 1950 following a wide agreement in Washington to offer federal help for technological know-how. In 1977, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA), and involvement by means of NSF enables to amplify a three-tiered Network machine to numerous universities and governmental groups throughout the united States of america. This Device persisted to extend and came to be called NSFNet. This sooner or later developed into a major part of today's Internet spine.

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