National Television System Committee

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is the National Television System Committee (NTSC)?

What does NTSC stand for?

itMyt Explains National Television System Committee:

The National Television SySTEM Committee (NTSC) turned into a standardization body hooked up by means of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in 1940 to standardize Analog TV Broadcasting. The trendy that the committee came up with was then named after itself, NTSC. NTSC became the number one analog television machine utilized in North America, a few elements of South America and Asia. The general, in conjunction with the bulk of analog television broadCasts, cHanged into phased out and decommissioned on June 12, 2009, in prefer of virtual tv.

What Does National Television System Committee Mean?

The NTSC wellknown itself became first advanced in 1941 and did no longer have any provisions regarding shade televisions. By 1953, every other changed version of the NTSC standard turned into adopted, which allowed color tv broadcasting compatibility with present Receivers. This preferred system dominated anywhere it became followed and reigned for 70 years till the primary decade of the 21st century, when it was sooner or later dropped in want of the virtual Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC). However, many Asian international locations are nonetheless making use of the vintage widespread as HDTV is not yet very prolific, specifically in negative countries.

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  • National television system committee wikipedia
  • National television system committee website
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