Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What does ONF stand for?

What does the abbreviation ONF mean?

itMyt Explains ONF stands for what:

The Open Networking Foundation (ONF) is a person-driven employer Committed to the development and Implementation of Software Program-described Networking (SDN). A noteworthy achievement of the company has been its adoption of the OpenFlow Standard. ONF works with Operators to leverage SDN for their Clients and put into effect OpenFlow in their networks.

Open Networking Foundation

The term “open” is vital to the philosophy of the ONF. According to an interView with the government director, the concept includes the Publication of documents available to all, the development of some kind of fashionable and the precept that the company isn't managed by way of a single birthday celebration. The purpose is to keep away from rigid solutions and dealer Lock-in.

Founded in 2011 by Deutsche Telekom, Verizon, Facebook, Microsoft, Google and Yahoo!, the ONF now includes over one hundred fifty member agencies including equipment companies, service vendors, Software Makers, and agency customers of the generation. The concept is to provide more of a voice to the commercial commUnity as opposed to entrusting all the development to Engineers inside a technical standards Frame.

By fostering such a collaborative surroundings created with the aid of the agency, ONF individuals work towards improvement of a networking answer this is neither proprietary nor conTrolled. ONF individuals have royalty-Free get entry to to OpenFlow, and statistics is freely shared during frequent meetings.

If you do not agree with the definition or meaning of a certain term or acronym for "ONF", we welcome your input and encourage you to send us your own definition or abbreviation meaning. We value the diversity of perspectives and understand that technology is constantly evolving. By allowing users to contribute their own interpretations, we aim to create a more inclusive and accurate representation of definitions and acronyms on our website.

Your contributions can help us improve the content and ensure that it reflects a wider range of meanings and interpretations to the "ONF". We believe in the power of collaboration and community engagement, and we appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge and insights.

To submit your definition or abbreviation meaning for "ONF", please use the provided contact form on our website or reach out to our support team directly. We will review your submission and, if appropriate, update the information on our site accordingly.

By working together, we can create a more comprehensive and informative resource that benefits everyone. Thank you for your participation and for helping us maintain the accuracy and relevance of our "ONF" definition.

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