
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 10 month ago

What is Free?

itMyt Explains Free:

Free is an ABAP Programming Keyword used to reset the values associated with an Object. This key-word is able to deleting the following:

  • An Internal desk utilized in ABAP programs
  • A facts cluster in ABAP Memory
  • ABAP Memory
  • An external item used in item linking and embedding

Unlike different ABAP key phrases used for resetting values, Free also releases all assets related with the object, typically memory. It is usually used instead of different keywords or a combination of key phrases for resetting objects and liberating associated memory, mainly if a large Range of gadgets are involved.

What Does Free Mean?

The Syntax for the usage of the key-word FREE is as follows:

FREE <object>

Features of the Free key-word include the following:

  • FREE can be without delay used to iNitialize an Internal Table, like keywords Refresh and CLEAR. However, FREE additionally releases all reminiscence space related to the internal Table, along with the preliminary memory requirement.
  • After the free <object> Declaration, the Records object can be addressed, apart from outside objects utilized in item linking and embedding. However, this can involve reallocating inFormation object resources.
  • In an outside item is used in Object Linking and Embedding, FREE does no longer allow similarly object processing.
  • If the addition of variation "Memory ID" isn't used, FREE can delete all of the contents in ABAP memory. With using reminiscence ID, only the contents associated with particular ID are deleted from ABAP memory.

The runtime for executing the FREE assertion is about five standardized Microseconds.

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