Object Linking and Embedding

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 6 month ago

What is Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)?

What does OLE stand for?

itMyt Explains Object Linking and Embedding:

Object linking and embedding (OLE) is a Microsoft technology that allows the sharing of utility inFormation and objects written in special Codecs from a couple of sources. Linking establishes a connection among two objects, and embedding helps utility Data Insertion.

OLE is used for compound Document Management, as well as application information transfer thru drag-and-drop and Clipboard operations.

What Does Object Linking and Embedding Mean?

An OLE object can also show as an Icon. Double Clicking the icon opens the associated object utility or asks the person to pick an utility for item editing.

Alternatively, an OLE object may additionally show as actual contents, including a graph or chart. For Instance, an external Software chart, such as an Excel Spreadsheet, can be inserted right into a Word application. When the chart is activated in the Word report, the chart’s consumer Interface hundreds, and the user is capable of manage the external chart’s Records in the Word File.

OLE-Supported Software Program Packages include:

OLE has sure disadvantages, as follows:

  • Embedded Objects boom the Host document file size, resulting in ability garage or loading problems.
  • Linked objects can spoil while a host document is moved to a place that doesn't have the authentic item application.
  • Interoperability is confined. If the embedded or connected object application is unavailable, the item cannot be manipulated or edited.

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  • Object linking and embedding examples
  • Object linking and embedding in MS Word
  • Object Linking and embedding in Excel
  • What is object embedding
  • What is OLE object
  • OLE object example
  • What is OLE in computer
  • OLE full form

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