Baud Barf

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 1 month ago

What is Baud Barf?

itMyt Explains Baud Barf:

Baud barf is a time period for reputedly random or illegible ASCII Characters generated by using line Noise or different Method. These characters might show up on a text display throughout the operation of a 1990s-technology Modem. The time period “baud barf” is mostly associated with dial-up Internet conditions wherein Computer Systems are telephones are sharing the equal Smartphone strains.

What Does Baud Barf Mean?

In a typical baud barf situation, a person the usage of dial-up Internet turned into using a Computer with a PC-DOS show screen or an early Windows display. If a person picked up the smartphone and the road noise got here in, it would be represented on the display display screen as a series of unreadable characters. This might regularly go together with a chain of noises indicating incoming messages incompatible with the meant use of the Interface. People called this baud barf because the screen appeared to “barf up” this useless String of characters.

Like baud Modems, baud barf is now normally a aspect of the beyond. People rarely use dial-up Internet in which Computer sySTEMs and telephones proportion the same traces. Among other advances, the decline of landline smartphone systems rendered baud barf an archaic phenomenon.

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