Acronyms Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What does OTN stand for?

What does the abbreviation OTN mean?

itMyt Explains OTN stands for what:

Optical Transport Network (OTN) is a Protocol for sending network messaging over Optical Fiber networks. Experts outline OTN as a set of Optical Network factors (ONE) that talk the use of Wavelength department Multiplexing (WDM).

Optical Transport Network

Optical Transport Network is described by using the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T); the ITU-T recommendation G.709 is known as the Optical Transport Network protocol. G.709 may also be known as "virtual Wrapper technology" or "optical channel wrapper generation."

Optical Transport Network has been Constructed on the idea of Synchronous Optical Networking (SONET) and Synchronous virtual hierarchy (SDH), which use a machine of laser pulses for transmission. These types of structures eMerged to deal with huge uNits of inFormation over fiber-optic telecom sySTEMs, where Greater sophisticated protocols should manage Synchronization higher.

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