
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is a Nibble?

itMyt Explains Nibble:

A “nibble” (also spelled “nybble”) in IT parlance is a 4-bit statistics set identical to half of a byte. This is likewise once in a while called a quadbit, a half of-byte, a tetrade or semi-Octet.

What Does Nibble Mean?

As a uNit of Records representation, nibbles have been used in a few Forms of Processors and Microcontrollers. One Instance is where nibbles may be used to keep person digits of large Integers stored in a "packed Decimal format" in IBM structures. The nibble became additionally distinguished inside the layout of Apple II disk statistics control.

Within the gadget of Businesses of nibbles which are representing Hexadecimal values or different gadgets of statistics, Engineers may use the terms “excessive nibble” and “low nibble” to speak about the series of Storage inside a given byte. They might also talk approximately “massive-Endian” or “Little-Endian” sySTEMs for storing sequences of nibbles.

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