
Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

What is an Octet?

itMyt Explains Octet:

An octet is a series of 8 bits. It is an essential eight-bit designation that has played a substantial position within the improvement of the Personal Computer (PC) and other Hardware gadgets.

What Does Octet Mean?

Some of the first Microprocessors used 8-Bit technology. Further IT advances led to ever Greater capacities, like eight-bit to 16-Bit Processors. In standard, the eight-bit vaLuable processing uNit (CPU) required a 16-bit Address Bus. The actual set of diversifications involved in an octet is 256. The conventional capability of an eight-bit Device is 64 Kilobytes (KB).

Because the bit is a essential unit of statistics, the eight-bit label may be carried out to many extraordinary Components of IT, inclusive of deal with spaces, devices of reminiscence or processor Capacity. Many eight-bit designations are associated with unfashionable technology, together with early Computer Systems that applied an eight-bit processor for what is now considered a restricted potential.

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