Definition & Meaning

Last updated 5 month ago

What is PEEK and POKE?

itMyt Explains PEEK and POKE:

In the parlance around the early Computer Systems of the 1980s, “PEEK and POKE” had been commonplace phrases for manipulating and comparing reminiscence Storage. PEEK noted searching at a particular Memory cope with, even as POKE cited cHanging that memory deal with.

What Does PEEK and POKE Mean?

The maximum not unusual uses of PEEK and POKE relate to early Computing sySTEMs which include eight-bit Processors. Here, the Memory Addresses had been restrained to a positive eight-bit (256-price) Variety. A consumer ought to problem a PEEK Command to take a look at the contents of a particular reminiscence Cellular. POKE might effectively alternate that value.

One of the biggest examples of PEEK and POKE applies to the Gaming industry because it advanced inside the Nineteen Eighties. Some ended up using POKEs as cheat tools that might alter a few reminiscence space in the sport to exchange various conditions inclusive of participant status, assets and rankings. However, without an instantaneous reference for a POKE command, the consumer might be going in blind. Some groups issued various cheats by means of displaying Gamers in which to change a specific memory address.

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