Robert Kahn

Definition & Meaning

Last updated 7 month ago

Who is Robert Kahn?

itMyt Explains Robert Kahn:

Robert Elliot Kahn is a well-known American Laptop scientist, Engineer and Internet pioneer. Together with Vinton G. Cerf, he advanced Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), the same old verbal excHange Protocols and the inspiration upon which the contemporary Internet turned into Constructed.

Kahn is considered one of the fundamental architects of the Internet.

What Does Robert Kahn Mean?

In 1964, Kahn obtained a Ph.D. From Princeton University. In 1972, he began running for Lawrence Roberts within the Information Processing Techniques Office (IPTO) within ARPA. The paintings enjoy gave him the self assurance to think about the want for an open-structure Network Model, in which each commUnity could speak with different unbiased sySTEMs with individual Software Program and Hardware Configuration. Kahn set four targets to design the architecture that would later end up the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):

In 1973, Vint Cerf Joined Kahn at the mission and they have been in a position to finish the early version of TCP. Afterwards, this protocol become cut up up into individual Layers, particularly TCP and IP. Usually, those two are called TCP/IP.

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